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Our Projects

Little Dresses for Africa

Little Dresses for Africa (LDFA) is a Christian organization 501(c)3 which offers relief to all parts of Africa and many countries beyond, by distributing little dresses, made primarily of pillowcases, to plant in the hearts of little girls that they are worthy. These little dresses are made and donated by volunteers from all over the world and are sent by us to distribute to the children in need. We ship them through postal services, containers, with mission teams, and with humanitarian organizations, and personally take them during our team trips. These dresses serve as little Ambassadors to encourage and honor young girls (and also boys) and to establish relationships with villages so that continued work can be accomplished through clean water, primary education and community. LDFA has sent over 11 million dresses to 97 countries. We also provide for the boys through “Britches for Boys” and for the young girls through the “Dignity Program” which offers washable menstrual pads and panties to offer not only dignity and a way to manage their periods, but keeps them in school. Our mission: Glorify God. Serve Mankind and Walk in Obedience.

Clean water saves lives immediately

One of the most dangerous chores in the life of a girl is going to draw water. The average distance is 5 miles where little girls face dangerous animals and abduction as they carry water on their heads back to their villages for daily living. A bucket of water weighs 40lbs and the journey takes hours, which keeps girls from continuing their education. Often the children are tempted to stop at a contaminated body of water to make their job easier. A nearby well provides water for 3000 people for years and immediately saves lives as it educes disease and increases sanitation and safety. Sponsoring a well for $5500., is a wonderful way to honor a loved one. You will be provided a picture of your well with your inscription on it with your name, or your loved one’s name and your favorite saying or scripture, as well as the name of the village in which it was placed. To date, LDFA has installed 124 wells. Sponsor yours today and save lives! Thank you.

Form for well can be downloaded for your well plaque information

Education changes the future

In Africa a certificate of a completed primary education is imperative to continue on to public secondary school. Many young children, orphans, and child-headed families are most desperately affected by no primary school nearby. It is our desire to bridge that gap by placing primary schools and pre-schools in remote villages. It is the most vulnerable children that are at risk, as there is no one to encourage them to go to school, besides perhaps an older sibling with little authority, who often lacks the maturity to see the importance of education. If the distance is too far, the little ones cannot be expected to successfully attend school faithfully, and it’s often dangerous for them to go the distance. Without the certificate of completion of primary schooling, they are not allowed to attend the public secondary school. It’s a vicious circle that we feel can be alleviated by putting a modest primary school in or near their own village for them to attend. These schools generally educate 450-500 children of primary age. When a school is built it is with the understanding that it includes housing for the School master whose salary paid for by the government. The teacher living in the community increases the knowledge and prestige of a community immediately, as well as attendance of the children. Making education available to the community changes the future and can stop the cycle of poverty. Primary schools can begin for as little of 35,000.

Community protects the culture and encourages accountability

Many projects fall under the umbrella of community. By supporting and encouraging widows and child headed families, tangible hope is given. “Buckets of Hope” is a projects that provides relief for $20. A bucket, filled with staples such as oil, rice, sugar, tea, maize, salt, soap and whatever else we have to provide comfort such as a blanket or mosquito net. Home visits to provide these items are an encouragement to the community and to those delivering the items. Lives are changed here and across the ocean. Other projects for the community are dorms provided for the girls rescued from child-headed families. We work with global leader and dear friend, Senior Chief Theresa Kachindamoto to identify the needs to support these girls as they return to school and back into society as young girls instead of child brides. In community we also support the schools already established with learning materials as well as our sewing centers which offer a tangible way to learn a skill and make a living. Our community projects offer dignity and hope for the future. Other projects are supported through community i.e. Bible distributions, bikes, 40-ft containers, wheelchairs, vacation Bible School lessons and crafts to name a few. More information and pictures are available under gallery.